I was so happy with myself yesterday after bouncing up into the Yukon like an enthusiastic dog. Today I was like a horse afraid of going over the jump. I simply couldn't make the leap of faith necessary to quickly get my left leg from the running board to the floor of the car, holding on to the loop above my head to pull myself into the truck. Bob ended up shoving my rear end unceremoniously onto the passenger seat and stuffing me in before slamming the door shut. Later on, I practiced the maneuver and couldn't figure out why it had seemed so daunting only a few hours before.
One day seems much any other, except that I slept last night. I tried sleeping on top of the covers with only a light blanket over me. The absence of a heavy electric blanket over my legs made sleep somewhat more peaceful -- at least it was possible. I still thrashed around, as much as anyone can thrash with a bum leg, but the night was still more comfortable that it had been previously, either in the hospital or at home. If I can manage to rest reasonably quietly, Bob will be able to come back to bed.
We drove out to Hudson and through the snowy countryside to Stillwater this afternoon. I was surprised that the snow is still quite white. We stopped at Menard's on the way home and I enviously waited in the truck while Bob shopped, since I didn't want to risk a fall in the parking lot: I imagined myself prostrate in the snow, Disabled Parking sticker at my side, the contents of my purse strewn all over for all to examine. I visualied the good samaritans gingerly picking me up and plopping me in the back seat, just to get me out of soght. Fortunately, we were all spared that scene and I enjoyed watching customers file in and out of that busy Midway store.
It's late afternoon now, and I'm starting to get a little tired. I'm going to resist the temptation to nap, not just because it seems plain wrong but also because a nap now will rob me of sleep later. From a more positive perspective, I have to think I'm doing pretty well. Knee isn't too painful anymore. My balance is pretty good and I can walk without faltering until about 7:30 p.m. I can feel my strength returning, and I'm looking forward to seeing how I do on the stationary bicycle tomorrow. It's been nearly two weeks since the surgery: so far, so good.
Tragedy in Minneapolis
4 years ago
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