
Monday, February 22, 2010

The Power of Acetominophen

Go figure. I did stay dosed up with Tylenol yesterday and my knee was pretty good for most of the day. It was sore again by 9 PM, so I watched Brothers and Sisters in bed after tearing out my hair during the Canada-US hockey game. Bob and I were not in the same cheerleader camp and I'm sure I will not hear the end of this unless Canada eventually wins the gold medal.

I was a little nervous about spending so much time in the car when we headed down to Red Wing yesterday afternoon. However, apart from stiffness, the knee was pretty good. The eagle watching was not that great, mostly because of the large number of gawkers who had probably seen the same Kare 11 feature on Colvill Park that had so attracted me.

It was mid afternoon by the time we got home. I fed the birds -- a little iffy because the path to the feeder is a trifle icy -- and then decided to walk on the sidewalk near the deck. There is only a small section (maybe 30 feet) that was safe to navigate, so I walked back and forth enough times to cover what I thought was about 500 yards. Bob quickly dispelled that illusion and figured I'd done 600 feet. Whatever! I did most of it without the cane and felt pretty good.

Another restless night but I walked downstairs with relative ease this morning, holding on to the railing with my right hand but not reaching over to the wall for additional support. The knee is bending quite well, even in the morning after lack of use.

Looking forward to physical therapy later this morning.

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