
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Home Alone

Flying, well, limping, solo for the first time in a month. Bob is off snowmobiling for the day with Scott, John and Chris, taking a well deserved break from the caregiving gig. My first inclination was to clean house, a favorite Saturday morning activity for many years. I worked steadily for a couple of hours, not using the cane except to put out the trash. I got rid of a number of items that have been bugging me for awhile, a much easier task when the family hoarder is out of the house. Although the original grand plan was only partially executed, I felt satisfied with my accomplishments and decided to wash the kitchen floor some other day.

I would like to report that I'm feeling great, but, in fact, my knee is tired and I can feel a strain in the quad and calf muscles. I think I've also discovered where my hamstring is and I'm beginning to understand why proper conditioning is the key to hamstring injury avoidance among hockey players. I'm sitting with the leg raised, watching ESPN so that I can see Danica Patrick's NASCAR debut at Daytona. I had tuned in hoping for Olympic ski jumping, but Danica will be fun to see.

If the weather hadn't been so challenging, I would have tried to drive ten days ago, but I think I can go out for the first time today. Nothing very ambitious: Borders in the Midway area, using my disability parking tag. I figure I can manage 15-20 minutes of shopping without running out of steam. If I can do more, I'll stop for a small Valentine's gift for Bob.

A week ago, I saved all my energy so that I could go to mass at the end of the day. I think I'm managing to do more with less effort now. I'm particularly happy with my progress going up and down stairs, one foot after the other. Slow and labored, but better!

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