
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Medial "Catching"

Most of the time, the knee feels as close to fine as I could hope for at this stage of my recovery. Yesterday, the pouring rain and numbing cold discouraged outdoor activities so we spent several hours in the car. The right knee was not much stiffer than the left, even after several hours of sitting.

My sleep has improved a lot in the last few days, partly the effect of travel fatigue but also because I'm in a lot less pain at night. However, with increased activity, I've noticed that the knee "catches" a lot more on the inside, especially at the end of the day. It's hard to explain what "catching" is to someone who has never experienced it. Conversely (or do I mean "similarly"?), anyone with a knee problem immediately grimaces when I use that word.

A knee "catch" reminds me of a bicycle chain that fills with grit after a long ride on sand or gravel, reducing the efficiency of gear changes. The pain starts sharply, but doesn't resolve until the knee joint returns to "neutral", a procedure that requires movement over what seem to be uneven surfaces, causing a wave of pain and some temporary residual swelling.

Last night, there were perhaps 6-8 catches before I went to bed. I dread the first catch! We'll see how today goes. I intend to hit the pool sometime today, as soon as the temperature gets out of the thirties!

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