
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here Endeth the Blog

15 weeks. I had actually lost count this evening when I sat down to write this last blog entry, and was almost surprised when I did the calculation.

My 3-month appointment with Dr. Arendt was last week, but she was stranded in London because European airspace was closed after the eruption of volcano in Iceland. I agreed to see her resident instead, since I really have no problems of any significance. And sure enough, knee flexion is good and only a few areas on either side of my knee are still tender. The lateral numb space is shrinking -- nerve regeneration, I suppose. Because the left knee was quite painful, I asked for, and received, a cortisone shot. It feels reasonably OK now so I may have dodged the bullet for awhile.

It's hard to remember that I used to dread going to bed because pain would either keep me from going to sleep, or wake me many times during the night. No more. Nights are pain-free, or pretty much so. The absence of pain and the new stability of my right knee continue to thrill me.

I know that my recovery will probably continue for another 9 months, but I think that day-to-day progress will tend to be imperceptible until I reach another milestone. That's it till it's time to think about doing the left knee!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Simple Walk and a Bike Ride

I am usually tired at the end of the day, both physically and mentally. However, for some reason, I felt like going for a walk last Friday after dinner. It was a beautiful spring evening, cool but pleasant, and the sun was beginning to fall in the western sky over Minneapolis. I walked west on Goodrich, across Cretin and through the lower campus of the St. Paul Seminary. It was almost dark  by the time I reached the north side of Summit, so I decided not to walk across the upper St. Thomas campus, between the new construction and the library.

The walk was effortless and faster than what has been my new slow pace. I was home in no time and thrilled with myself. The next day, Bob suggested a bike ride and I figured it was time to test the new knee on an effort that would require balance and a little strength. I test drove it up and down the alley and decided that I was good to go.

The ride itself was problem free, and the only thing that threw me a little was some fatigue crossing the Lake Street Bridge toward the end of the 8-1/2 mile ride. I also disliked the traffic, but that had nothing to do with the knee. On Sunday, I was none the worse for wear.

Both knees have been stiff this week, but the new knee is decidedly better than the train wreck left one. Yesterday was the three-month anniversary of the new knee. I see Dr. Arendt on Tuesday ... and expect to write the last entry to this blog then. It's been quite a ride!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Old Self Revisited

I've always loved a walk over my lunch hour and now I can indulge myself without paying the price in pain and fatigue. Even though the left knee is sore, I walk and stand easily for an hour, without wondering how I'm going to get back to work. Even better, I sleep fairly well most nights and am not awakened by pain.

Unfortunately, both knees have been somewhat swollen the last couple of days. I attribute this to hours of meetings during the day, requiring me to sit for many hours at a time. This morning, all but 20 minutes of the first 4 hours of the day were spent sitting down. I was glad that I had scheduled two meetings myself, and I allowed 10 minutes after the hour to allow me and the other attendees the opportunity to stretch.

I haven't yet achieved my goal of riding the bike or skating. Maybe this weekend!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just about Ready to End the Blog

One evening this week I realized that I hadn't thought about the new knee since the day before. Of course, the left knee felt like hell, and I was apprehensive about the months ahead with that very problematic joint.

Only the area to the right of the kneecap is still a little tender and painful. The scar looks great. It's totally healed so I've been applying fade cream to it. I'm really not at all vain, but the fact that it is fading makes me feel that healing is nearly complete.

I hope to try my bike this weekend, and maybe the inline skates too. The feeling that I finally have one stable knee is a thrill that I never expected to experience. I walked downtown several times this week and was on my feet for over an hour at at time without being fatigued. Barring some catastrophic event, I don't foresee any problems with my ongoing recovery.

I see Dr. Arendt on April 20 and will tie up loose ends then, ending the blog. I re-read most of my entries the other day, humbled as I thought about the little victories and defeats that have gone into what seems to be a successful outcome. Tomorrow is Good Friday, and I'll observe it much as I did last year. I'm the designated narrator for the reading of St. John's Passion at Nativity in St. Paul. Last year, both knees were killing me during the reading. I think I'll be fine tomorrow, and I am very grateful.